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Step 1: Download
First, download the extension over at download. You’ll be able to find the application in the extensions tab of your web browser.
Step 2: Enable
Click on the AdBlock Fair icon and set it to enable. The extensions should now be up and running!
Step 3: Support and block
Every website with ads you now visit, will be fully visible. If you’ve never visited a certain website before, you will see a small simple two-button space in the corner of your browser. All you have to do, is click support or block to enable or disable the ads on that website.

The extension will remember all the decisions members make.













Step 4: Awareness
The extension shows you what percentage of people support the website by not blocking the ads, this will be visible at all times. This will make web surfers more aware of the fact that some of their favorite website need the revenue of ads to exist.
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