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AdBlock Fair was founded in 2015 as a response to the increasing popularity of ad block applications. More and more people use ad blockers to ban online advertisements. The ad blockers threaten the existence of the websites that derive most of their incomes from those advertisements, like smaller non-commercial online platforms such as blogs, online newspapers, foundations, and nonprofit organizations. Consumers are not aware of the necessity of online advertisement for certain platforms to exist. AdBlock Fair is a community organisation that stresses the importance of advertisements for certain online content to exist. It’s goal is to create awareness and to provide an easy tool for members to customize for what sites they ban advertisements or not. In this way we hope members will more often allow advertisements to support business models of free content that depends on the income of advertisements.



Our purpose is to create awareness of the necessity of advertisement for certain sites to exist in a world where we take free online content for granted. In this way we hope to support the online initiatives that depend on income of online advertising.



AdBlock Fair members can decide themselves which websites to support by allowing the ad’s or not to support by blocking the ad’s. The general statistics of all our members will be shown to every first visit to a website to help decide the new user whether to support or not support the specific website. As the statistics will show what percentage likemind members chose to support or not.



If you want to support our community, feel free to donate. You will be helping to improve our extension. Thank you!



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